La Figura Nella Moda - Elisabetta Kuky - Tiziana Paci

La Figura Nella Moda - Elisabetta Kuky - Tiziana Paci
10,00 € 29,00 €
  • Publisher: Ikon
  • La Figura Nella Moda - Elisabetta Kuky, Tiziana Paci, Ikon Editrice 
    Nuova Edizione Aggiornata

    At the 6th edition the book was completely renewed in quantity (304 pages instead of 160), but above all in quality.

    More rich in color designs, it presents itself as a unique volume that focuses its attention on representative rigor and clarity of drawings. Unique for the simplicity of the text, it has become, a few years since its release, a classic and an international best-seller, already translated into seven languages.

    Designed by professional stylists, it is a necessary and precious support and a valuable point of reference for those who already practice the fascinating fashion designer or fashion designer, but especially for those who are interested in such professions.

    A manual, therefore, and an indispensable tool for effective and specific communication that respects the tastes and parameters of the fashion designer
    Ikon editrice
  • Accessories, Kidswear, Lingerie, Menswear, Special Offers, Sportswear, Womenswear
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