Il Racconto Della Moda - Stefanella Sposito

Il Racconto Della Moda - Stefanella Sposito
10,00 € 32,00 €
  • Publisher: Ikon
  • Il Racconto della Moda , Stefanella Sposito, Ikon Editrice

    A book that goes through history with fashion eyes.

    The author, Stefanella Sposito, recounts the evolution of dress, accessories, and accessories of dress, with a look attentive to the social, religious, psychological, economic and stylistic constructs of primary importance.

    It is almost impossible to separate the dress from the historical circumstances because fashion is manifested as a direct representation of events and is often strongly conditioned.

    The aesthetic elements determine true "body styles", define the formal silhouette, the overall image, and compete to determine the line of worn clothing.

    The intent of the book is to tell how through the fashion, affirm precise values and ethical and moral behaviors influenced by historical reality, but also as the apparent or symbolic messages the dress contains, continues to express beyond its pure functionality .

    Ikon editrice
  • Accessories, Kidswear, Lingerie, Menswear, Special Offers, Sportswear, Womenswear
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